India’s emerging legal-tech giant, Vakilsearch releases four free tools to help its customers with Trademark registration, Public Provident Fund, Income Tax, GST and much more. In an initiative to exclusively help its audience who apply for Trademark registration Vakilsearch has uniquely come up with Trademark Class Search which lets the individual see for themselves under which Class their business logo needs to be registered under. There are 45 classes, of which 34 classes are dedicated to products and goods and 11 are dedicated to services. When registering for a Trademark for a product or service, it is ideal for the customer to understand the process before signing up for registration
Additionally, Vakilsearch has also launched the PPF calculator that helps the customer carry out complex calculations in regards to Public Provident Fund (PPF). By using this easy tool, one can work out the annual returns accurately and efficiently. The PPF Calculator launched by Vakilsearch is multi-faceted as it can easily adapt to the PPF schemes that come under India’s major banks such as SBI, India Post, PNB, HDFC and so on.
Vakilsearch welcomes its customer to make use of its Income Tax Calculator through which salaried employees can easily calculate the tax that needs to be paid at the end of the financial year. The fourth tool that Vakilsearch has launched is HSN and it stands for Harmonized System of Nomenclature. This helps customers find the rate for the GST and also access the HSN code list.
Talking about these user-friendly tools launched by Vakilsearch the Founder and CEO said, “At Vakilsearch we are constantly looking to make life easy and simple for our customers. I strongly believe these tools will greatly help solve complex procedures and processes for the public. That’s why we love doing what we do.”
About VakilSearch: is India’s largest online platform for legal, tax and compliance services.
Started by Hrishikesh Datar, an alumnus of the National Law School of India University, Bangalore in the year 2011, the business helps clients with government registrations, incorporations, accounting, filing, annual compliances, and legal documentation. The company further offers several need-based services to the common man such as tax filings, property agreements, and consumer rights protection. Over 400,000 businesses and individuals have had a chance to experience the ‘s mission “Legal is now Simple” – in action.
Media ContactCompany Name: Vakilsearch Private LimitedContact Person: Agnes JosephEmail: Send EmailPhone: 8248689465Country: IndiaWebsite: